Monday, April 20, 2009


There is nothing worse than a cat wandering around the outside of your house and garden and leaving it's 'scent'. Don't get me wrong, I'm a cat person myself with two fur babies of my own.

Here are some tips to deter the neighbourhood cats:

1. Cats hate the smell of citrus. Grate some orange, lemon or grapefruit peel and sprinkle around the garden or near places where the smell is strong. The smell of Scaredy Cat (Coleus Canina) is one that cats can't tolerate, although it is inoffensive to humans. This attractive annual, nicknamed the "pee-off plant" has spikes of blue flowers in the summer. Another plant that cats don't like is Rue.

2. Cats don't like to get their feet wet. If your garden is being used as the community litter box, try keeping the ground moist.

3. Cats don't like snakes. Place pieces of old garden hose around the garden. This is also a good way to recycle an old garden hose.

4. A cat's natural enemy is the dog. Try putting dog hair clippings around the affected area.

5. Another idea is to fill your garden with more plants. Less exposed dirt....less place for a cat to do its business.

Flower Garden

A friend of mine sent me a cute site today. When the black screen appears, click anywhere on it. Or click and drag with your mouse. This will definitely be the easiest garden you ever plant. Enjoy!